
King Farouq sister

Sisters Farouk I Princesses Fawzia and Faizah and Faiqah with Marpetan Bratanitin at the Palais Royal gardens park Beach Park in Alexandria.
(For lovers of Palace park's area specifically in the Gulf of the park with a shallow water area in front of tea in a tea stall Island area the park and see the background image cellars (cellar collection) leading to the lighthouse park as we see the famous Palace sumptuous palace park)

King Farouq

May 6
Today, who returned in King Farouk from London to succeed his father on the throne of Egypt in the presence of Council of trusteeship in 1936
And despite the fact that King Farouk assumed his constitutional powers after reaching 18 years of AH in the July 27, 1937, but the official royal gala sit in the May 6 of each year
In 1951 and in the Royal sit fifteenth festival was Royal Wedding on the last queen of Egypt "Nariman"

Nariman Sadek,Queen of Egypt

Queen of Egypt and had been married between them and King Farouk in like this sixth day of May in 1951, and has given birth to the king, Crown Prince Ahmed Fouad II ..
I was born Nariman Sadek in Cairo on 10/31/1933, and her father is Hussein Fahmy honest and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transportation, a son of your honest dignitaries Egypt at the time, and last position he held before his death is the secretary-general of the Ministry of Transportation, Lama and her mother are An authentic Hanim daughter Kamel Mahmoud elders of the province of Minya.
Nariman is the only daughter of parents sustenance after a period of marriage, did not beget her parents elsewhere, and that is probably the reason why her father is afraid it hard, causing him to inflict Egyptian school was adjacent to the villa, which she was staying in, rather than inflict school of language schools far from their residence.

Qitbay Mosque,Cairo

Graphics Alengahzalkadimh Islamic monuments in Cairo and other governorates
Graphics and projections of registration Islamic monuments Center
Description Qaitbay mosque kindergarten Manial
Established by Sultan al-Ashraf Abu Al-Nasr Qaitbay between the years 886-896 AH (1481-1490 AD). Inclusive designed layout on the school planning pattern which consists of a Middle Exposed dish surrounded by four iwans largest Ewan direction which is the eastern Iwan. Ewan leads the direction of the stone niche.
There the main door eastern facade has written on both sides and the name Qaitbay Alqaah .. and the door stones yellow and white building topped by a three-way Mdaina, and the minaret of the mosque rises to the left of the door, a stone built and consist of three sessions.
And the first to build this mosque in its current location is Mohammed bin Fadlallah judge Fakhruddin Balfajr- headmaster Aljeic- deceased in 732 AH (1332 AD) in the days of the Sultanate of al-Nasir Muhammad third. The new e-Sahib Shams al-Din Abdullah Mosque Tempered Tempered knew, then stopped and damage worship in it. In the year 886 AH (1481 AD) is the Sultan Qaitbay pyramid mosque and rebuilt again and increased in the area and set up around the gardens and buildings. In the year 1216 (1801) burned down the mosque because of Anfjaz store of gunpowder was next to him, and brought the fire most of its old wooden elements ..
Therefore this mosque is less mosques built by Qaitbaha decorated with 1. Whole object Street Mosque Qaitbay kindergarten, and followed. The effects of ancient Egypt area 2 3