
Mufti of Egypt Prof Dr Syeikh Ali Gomah

Shaykh Nur al-Din Ali Gomaa. Figure Rabbani scholars who lately often maligned by people who are not responsible.
Uwaidhah Shaikh Othman - Chairman of the Board of Darul Ifta Oral Fatwa - told us the other day, that in the era of the 80s Al-Azhar completely empty of scientific halaqah halaqah. And in 1998, shaikh Ali Jumah is a figure-Halaqah revive Halaqah TSB. Al-Azhar mosque.
On another occasion, Sheikh Mukhtar Mohsen - Research and Fatwa Council Members Darul Ifta - also said that in tune with the shaikh Uwaidhah Uthman, that shaikh Ali Jumah was the one who revived Halaqah-scientific Halaqah Al-Azhar mosque after kevakumannya in the 80- an. In fact, he said that, shaikh Ali Jumah Halaqah fill in the mosque of Al-Azhar from 1998 to mid 2005. And one of the work-Halaqah Halaqah TSB. is "The Book of Hadith Encyclopedia 7 / Maknaz" which I've posted a few years ago.
And on another occasion, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Mohammed Al-Ausy - Muqri 'Al-Quran in Halaqah Foundation - once told me that the shaikh Ali Jumah in years TSB. teach various religious disciplines from morning to evening.
And Madrasah Ali Jumah was the one that gave birth to the figures of scholars such as Shaykh al-Hasany Yusri Gabr, sheikh Jamal Al-Faruk Hasany, sheikh Usama Sayyid, Amru Wirdany sheikh, sheikh Muhammad Syalaby, Uthman Uwaidhah sheikh, sheikh Ali Umar, sheikh Mustafa Abu Zayd, Shaykh Muhammad Wisam, Mahmud Ahmad Sharif sheikh, sheikh Ahmad Hajin, Isham Shaykh Anas, Shaykh Hisham Kamil, Shaykh Mukhtar Mohsen, and much more.
In fact, often I hear in the course of post-graduate, sheikh Ahmad Ma'bid praise sheikh Ahmad Tayyeb (Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar) and sheikh Ali Jumah. And for me personally, praise sheikh Ahmad Ma'bid alone is more than enough to answer these slanders spread in recent years.
May we all get the blessing sciences and he can practice and present. And hopefully shaikh Ali Jumah and all our teachers are always awarded health and blessing for all the labors they educate us all. Allahumma amen