
King Farouq sister

Sisters Farouk I Princesses Fawzia and Faizah and Faiqah with Marpetan Bratanitin at the Palais Royal gardens park Beach Park in Alexandria.
(For lovers of Palace park's area specifically in the Gulf of the park with a shallow water area in front of tea in a tea stall Island area the park and see the background image cellars (cellar collection) leading to the lighthouse park as we see the famous Palace sumptuous palace park)

King Farouq

May 6
Today, who returned in King Farouk from London to succeed his father on the throne of Egypt in the presence of Council of trusteeship in 1936
And despite the fact that King Farouk assumed his constitutional powers after reaching 18 years of AH in the July 27, 1937, but the official royal gala sit in the May 6 of each year
In 1951 and in the Royal sit fifteenth festival was Royal Wedding on the last queen of Egypt "Nariman"

Nariman Sadek,Queen of Egypt

Queen of Egypt and had been married between them and King Farouk in like this sixth day of May in 1951, and has given birth to the king, Crown Prince Ahmed Fouad II ..
I was born Nariman Sadek in Cairo on 10/31/1933, and her father is Hussein Fahmy honest and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transportation, a son of your honest dignitaries Egypt at the time, and last position he held before his death is the secretary-general of the Ministry of Transportation, Lama and her mother are An authentic Hanim daughter Kamel Mahmoud elders of the province of Minya.
Nariman is the only daughter of parents sustenance after a period of marriage, did not beget her parents elsewhere, and that is probably the reason why her father is afraid it hard, causing him to inflict Egyptian school was adjacent to the villa, which she was staying in, rather than inflict school of language schools far from their residence.

Qitbay Mosque,Cairo

Graphics Alengahzalkadimh Islamic monuments in Cairo and other governorates
Graphics and projections of registration Islamic monuments Center
Description Qaitbay mosque kindergarten Manial
Established by Sultan al-Ashraf Abu Al-Nasr Qaitbay between the years 886-896 AH (1481-1490 AD). Inclusive designed layout on the school planning pattern which consists of a Middle Exposed dish surrounded by four iwans largest Ewan direction which is the eastern Iwan. Ewan leads the direction of the stone niche.
There the main door eastern facade has written on both sides and the name Qaitbay Alqaah .. and the door stones yellow and white building topped by a three-way Mdaina, and the minaret of the mosque rises to the left of the door, a stone built and consist of three sessions.
And the first to build this mosque in its current location is Mohammed bin Fadlallah judge Fakhruddin Balfajr- headmaster Aljeic- deceased in 732 AH (1332 AD) in the days of the Sultanate of al-Nasir Muhammad third. The new e-Sahib Shams al-Din Abdullah Mosque Tempered Tempered knew, then stopped and damage worship in it. In the year 886 AH (1481 AD) is the Sultan Qaitbay pyramid mosque and rebuilt again and increased in the area and set up around the gardens and buildings. In the year 1216 (1801) burned down the mosque because of Anfjaz store of gunpowder was next to him, and brought the fire most of its old wooden elements ..
Therefore this mosque is less mosques built by Qaitbaha decorated with 1. Whole object Street Mosque Qaitbay kindergarten, and followed. The effects of ancient Egypt area 2 3

Neighboring of Al-Azhar

Neighboring name given to Al-Azhar mosque dropouts inside of science and the collection of lesson students were named to the proximity of the islands Bamajaoren each other to stay inside the mosque forthcoming. The story begins neighboring Ramadan in 378 AH, 988 m, while the minister Abu Faraj Jacob Ben Coles sat caliph al-Aziz, the Fatimid God in the courtyard of the mosque of Al-Azhar and read a book known as "Waziriya message" including Shiite Asirareddauh the Ismaili sect doctrine of the Fatimids on thirty-seven students and established them housing next to Al-Azhar and arranged for them Arzaca and monthly rations and that was the beginning of a semester system lasted a thousand years of the life of Al-Azhar to our times. As the Ayyubid state deliberately Saladin to the Champions Fatimid state and still all the implications of sectarian arose to establish schools on the basis of specialization in doctrine, such as school Nasiriyah next to Amr ibn al-Aas mosque to teach Shafi'i jurisprudence and beside triticeous school to teach Maliki fiqh then successively set up schools at the hands of the sultans and princes, but The Al-Azhar under habitat religious culture, despite the fall of the Fatimid state and the Pope intended for students of all doctrine of the Egyptians and strangers brought together by Islam and the Association of School student arises where a kid goes out world. The study was done in the form of workshops held was a professor reads studied in an episode of his disciples and then discuss it with them mean and named his throat because they were around a sheikh. Has traditionally been - as it appears in the picture - a lot of people overnight in Al-Azhar mosque of them intended Bimbith pond and some of them of harboring him and Egged important than resting Bimbith there, especially in the month of Ramadan place. When he took over the Prince Sdob eyebrow glasses Al-Azhar mosque in the reign of Sultan Faraj bin plum including claims that people who go to bed Mosque and doing the evils ordered taking out the neighbors of the mosque and prevent them from residence and directed McCann them from the boxes and cabinets and chairs the Koran and took their mattresses and turbans Vstt respondents in villages and rural areas and became the yoke need after they loved ones Musonin In Raghad live Atnamon. The visited travelers Syrian Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi Al-Azhar mosque in 1105 AH wrote the truth and metaphor (we entered the Al-Azhar mosque frequented Basalh, scientists and read the Koran and the lessons of science day and night and asked us to work for them a lesson in Al-Azhar Mosque We erosion students so Vaatdhirna them PANA traveling to the land of Hijaz have we embarked all neighboring accept our hand and ask us to pray Vokhztna prestige of course we turned into we cry and they cry and call on them until we got out of the mosque has been pointed us before so that the neighbors will not take Tthagalhm to the predominance of intensity and Alajafa them). And to the left of the interior of the Al-Azhar Mosque from the main door known door Almazinin panel of marble and back to the reign of Sultan al-Zahir Abu Said plum in 792 AH and states that it died of Mgeory Azhar and has no heir illegal and leave the present-that wealth - then his property devolves to his colleagues from the neighboring Al-Azhar

Koran Ottoman

Koran Ottoman is Koran famous attributed to the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan bought judge Fadil Abdul Rahim bin on Alpisany Minister Nasser Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub six and thirty thousand dinars and deposited known Balfadilah which built next to his home in 580 AH in the path of his school Molokhia now known Darb Agazzazan behind the scene of Imam Hussein, may God bless him .kan to judge Mr. grams writing and the collection of books and was acquired books of all art and Ajtalpha every side has a scribe to Ivcron and Cildon to Aabtalon and was part of the school Holdings Fadiliyah Koran ever Othman bin Affan may God bless him It is one of the Koran's six copied in his own time and sent four of them to the regions and two of them remained in the city. And the Koran written on the patches of suede and the number of his papers in 1087 and paper and weigh up to 80 kilograms and was told - and the speaker is on Mubarak in the plans of compromise - it was he who was in front of him to kill and it blood .oaad this Mushaf of the rarest and oldest Korans at the level of the whole world. great historian visited the Al-Maqrizi died in 845 AH Fadiliyah school wrote in the plans say (and school Fadiliyah now - time Makrizy 9th century AH 15 m- Koran Quran large very much written the first line, who knows Balkovy people it calls the Koran Othman bin Affan, which in the closet Single him next to the mihrab from Western and the solemnity and majesty. and boasts historical sources mention the Koran Ottoman alliance upon closer covenants in front of him, little Sakhawy in gold dust cast in the tail behavior incidents of the first month of May in 854 AH (and it is Sheikh Mahaoy go to Fadiliyah school Darb Molokhia to administer the oath on the Koran attributed to Mr. Othman bin Affan may Allah be pleased with him) and little son Ayas in Badaa'i flowers in the Proceedings of the ages from accidents month of Rajab 903 AH (and the feared Khould Aslbay Um al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Sultan Qaitbay on her son from his uncle Qansouh Vahdhart Koran Ottoman to her hands and swore by her brother Qansouh and her son, Nasser Mohammed fulfillment of all of them to the owner). In the year 909 AH Sultan Ghouri job portfolio Ottoman Koran gilded wooden and it says Mubarak in the plans of compromise (and new sultan Ghury Koran Ottoman which Egypt unguarded Hussein sight line fortitude After all skin Defensive him to the damage and scratch and Mkth into Mr. Osman to this day, and is the work of the holy skin finite in his work to gain wage and reward, and works his protection of carved wood with gold and silver and the types of improvement) and the development of the Sultan Ghouri herring - no motto -aly clipboard and the date of completion of the work in 909 AH. In 910 AH Sultan Ghouri transfer Koran Ottoman from Fadiliyah school to the dome Balgoria after the completion of the building hoping to bury them when comes term inevitable and honor the dome deposited Ghury Koran Ottoman in the closet to the left of the mihrab and at her side another wardrobe includes effects of the Prophet Muhammad, which was deposited the bond of Archaeology area following a prophet in ancient Egypt, and that little son of Ayas in Badaa'i flowers incidents of the first month of May in 910 AH (and the transfer of Sultan Ghouri effects Prophet Muhammad from his place, which was by overlooking the Sea of ​​the Nile and the Koran Ottoman to the tomb dome was a memorable day and went down before him The four judges and a group of princes and the poor and employers angles flags as they remember) did not generate imagined Ghury that slave scheming, and the Lord is estimated - and talk to Evliya Çelebi in Saahtnamh Egypt - as the killing Ghouri in the Battle of Marj Dabiq north of Aleppo in 1516 and have not found his body after the battle to become the dome Then the angle of prayer. Under the Koran Ottoman monuments Prophet Muhammad dome Ghury even moved them in 1275 AH 1859 to the mosque Ranger Battalion and then transferred them in full procession to the luggage locker castle. In the year 1304 H1887 m were transferred to the Office of Religious Endowments in the year 1305 AH 1888 were taken to Abdeen Palace headquarters of the Khedive In the same year the station Alokhirhaly Al Husseini Mosque in procession majestic included thirty thousand people gathered from the public about two hundred thousand the same. In the year 1311 AH 1893 established Khedive Abbas Hilmi II a private room for the remnants of the Prophet Muhammad and the Koran Ottoman and make her Baban door leading to the courtyard of the mosque and the door Alokhrmen the shrine of Imam Hussein, may God bless him .oualemsahv Ottoman now subject to the restoration of the Central Library of the Islamic manuscripts next to the Sayeda Zeinab mosque since February 2006

Persian Decorations

Image to a huge Persian override the main entrance of the group Salehia schools Street Muizz - track number 38 of the year 641 AH 1243-fill within the ranks of Rattles strikethrough hold another smaller framed decoration vegetable inside the text of the establishment of the school (the name of God the Merciful ordered the establishment of this school blessed Maulana Sultan greatest good King Necmettin Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Ayyub in the year one hundred and forty)

The "cloak" 0f the Prophet Muhammad

The "cloak" 0f the Prophet Muhammad, which was dedicated to Tabi Uys Qarni and is now found in one of the museums of Turkey is the most important sources of attraction in Turkey during the month of Ramadan.

Burda some parts and has been damaged because of conservation method that was followed in the past, which prompted supervisors to hiring for safekeeping and displayed to the public.

Conservation process has been through a full year means do not lead to change or add in purdah as a report aired by Al Jazeera in earlier shows.

It is miraculous free impermeable Messenger of Allah bless him and his family from any type of microbes reverse turban and belt Uys Qarni despite all saved in the same fund.

Abdul Rahman Makhlouf

Abdul Rahman Makhlouf, one of the pioneers of urban planning in the world.
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- Born Abdul Rahman Makhlouf in 1924, and since his childhood was fond of the details of architecture, and the mother is Sheikh Hassanein Mohammed Makhlouf, Egyptian Mufti, and joined Makhlouf, Cairo University, and studied at the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture and graduated in 1950, and was appointed a lecturer in 1951, and then teacher after earning a doctorate from the University of Munich in 1957.
- Assigned to work in the United Nations body as an expert for urban planning, and asked Saudi Arabia in 1959 by the United Nations to provide an expert for urban planning to be a Muslim, for planning some cities shoved assigned to this task, and I stayed in the UK to 1963, during which creates a planning device cities and urban planning projects completed for each of the city of Jeddah, Mecca and Medina, Yanbu and Jizan.
- The Engineer Abdul Rahman Makhlouf is one of the pioneers of urban planning the Arab world, and who made his mark in many cities, including Jeddah, Riyadh and Medina, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain planning.
- Picture combines Egyptian architect Abdel-Rahman Hassanein Makhlouf, while he was planning to explain the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, where at noon and they were sitting on the ground in front of them and draw a schematic model of the city of Abu Dhabi.
- The second picture of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince honors Dr. Abdul Rahman Makhlouf


Nicknamed "the jewel of the East" because older than a thousand much in .. I knew parts of Cairo current in Pharaonic name of Age "of Navarre" any "beautiful city" and was the capital of unified Egypt since more than 3200 years BC .. We have built Emperor Roman "Trajan" "Fortress of Babylon" in the fourth century and was used in the construction of the stones stones Pharaonic temples (Fortress of Babylon is located at the Mar Girgis station metro) and when Amr Ibn El-Aas came to Egypt built the city of Fustat near the fort Fustat was in his very much like planning Medina .. Alexandria was built by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, through the era of the Greeks and the Ptolemies and Romans, Byzantines is the ancient capital of Egypt, Amr Ibn El-Aas but around to the Fustat for two things:
First: so it is not vulnerable to invasion by sea ..
Secondly, so as not to be away from the Caliphate headquarters of the Islamist in Medina .. built to be the seat of the Soldiers and built the Mosque of Amr Ibn Aas..ihd Fustat cliffs area to the east and was succeeded by the desert where Arabs fluent arts hit-and-run in the fighting and swimming Abyssinia south and are thus form Maanaan Tabieian..obdjul Alvatmin Egypt established leader Jawhar order of Muizz Fatimid a new city to be the headquarters of the Fatimid rule. . Asked the essence of construction Badruddin aesthetic creates Cairo in 969 m north of the city of Fustat was built in three years and dubbed in the first name "Mansuriya" .. goat came to the religion of God and make it the capital of his state and has since become the seat of the Fatimid caliphate and embarked on the establishment of Al-Azhar mosque .. named Mounsoria proportion to the name of the father of the goats, "Mansour" chosen location for the proximity of the cliffs, and the name later became the "Cairo" .. and the reason for the label he was not in the place where the construction Badruddin aesthetic decided to build Cairo Swe monastery was called "the monastery of bones!" .. and around the beautiful orchard garden known as camphor, and to put the wooden menus workers to determine the fort or palace place, which will be the headquarters of the successor even stop a bird on the side of a column I took all the bells ringing and the place began construction shovels! Then rose Mars One of the names "omnipotent" he released the name of the place Cairo! .. And after the construction of the presidential palace and the city decided to build the core of a large wall with doors to be a fortress wall Mnie..vkan famous Bab al-Futuh Bibwabh, Alaqratin, HE, Altoqan, poetry and door Zuwayla .. and door Zuwayla still a third door, which is still irresistible factors of time and neglect! ..ospb Building these doors to the people of Egypt on the doctrine of Sunni and was also the former rulers of the Abbasid and Umayyad The Fatimids were Shia doctrine! .. And feared for their bounce Egyptians them they built a fort and this new city to shelter themselves out .. This was not the Fatimids in the safe also other Shiites who covet them to have a stake in succession and the rule of Egypt Kalaqramth! .. after that and after the construction of the gates of Cairo became invincible enemies and so everyone has become known as the Cairo.

Tomb Of Ezz Izz al-Din ibn Abd al-Salam

Tomb of Sultan scientists Ezz Izz al-Din ibn Abd al-Salam is the graveyard of orchards and specifically the right of the end of the bridge to the Tunisian coming from Aisha ring road in front of the global company for furniture and grave rudiment stones and walls of experience and despite his condition, but the visitor to feel placidly and comfort and tranquility and not wonder that he is in the presence of earthshaking Thrones Sultans Sultan scientists Izz ibn Abd al-Salam, who said of him Franks (if this was the man Ksasna to washed his feet and drank Mrguetha) In school Salehia Street between Kasserine subsided breath Sheikh Rebel and he explains the verse (God is light, the heavens and the Earth) and the whole of Egypt and his followers carry his coffin Sultan al-Zahir Baybars echoing (now settled warrants in King because this man if he had to say to the people dragged him to Ntzawa King of my hand) God bless Sheikh and the womb of his time (abu Ala Khalil )

Sidi Yahya Balkaakyin Mousqe

Sidi Yahya  Balkaakyin M ousqe   ... Yahya bin Aqb  this is Prince Yahya bin Jacob Almohad one Sultans of Morocco, a man become ascetic in the King fled to the east and solving hosting of Alexandria judge Ezzedine Ben eyebrow and then came to Cairo Fastnzelh one princes, a Prince Saif Eddin Abu Hija Kurdish son-righteous Vanguards bin Rzyk Minister Fatimid Caliph winner (Sakhawy -thfah loved ones and students in order to -s 79 footnote 1) is noteworthy on Mubarak plans compromise Part V p. 333 (Balkaakyin this mosque next to Sheikh Ahmed Dardeer angle new architecture Prince Suleiman your Kherbtaly the year 1057 AH has Baban exist near one another one to the disinfectant and the other to the mosque Bdehles rectangle, a small mosque and a platform bench of wood and columns of marble mihrab made colored marble and Bdaúr roof states plaid has a lighthouse and well and rituals in his place and under the tomb of Sidi Yahya bin mosque after his birth year before half Shaaban and the people in it plus belief and swear him in their rivalries and frequented him Moroccans to read their parties and the establishment of Azkarhm has Awqaf and distract him from the proceeds under consideration Sheikh Mohammed El Hawary Moroccan and towards him, for he has furnished marble-topped Amer office to teach children the Muslims to read and write) .... Abu Ela Khalil

Mufti of Egypt Prof Dr Syeikh Ali Gomah

Shaykh Nur al-Din Ali Gomaa. Figure Rabbani scholars who lately often maligned by people who are not responsible.
Uwaidhah Shaikh Othman - Chairman of the Board of Darul Ifta Oral Fatwa - told us the other day, that in the era of the 80s Al-Azhar completely empty of scientific halaqah halaqah. And in 1998, shaikh Ali Jumah is a figure-Halaqah revive Halaqah TSB. Al-Azhar mosque.
On another occasion, Sheikh Mukhtar Mohsen - Research and Fatwa Council Members Darul Ifta - also said that in tune with the shaikh Uwaidhah Uthman, that shaikh Ali Jumah was the one who revived Halaqah-scientific Halaqah Al-Azhar mosque after kevakumannya in the 80- an. In fact, he said that, shaikh Ali Jumah Halaqah fill in the mosque of Al-Azhar from 1998 to mid 2005. And one of the work-Halaqah Halaqah TSB. is "The Book of Hadith Encyclopedia 7 / Maknaz" which I've posted a few years ago.
And on another occasion, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Mohammed Al-Ausy - Muqri 'Al-Quran in Halaqah Foundation - once told me that the shaikh Ali Jumah in years TSB. teach various religious disciplines from morning to evening.
And Madrasah Ali Jumah was the one that gave birth to the figures of scholars such as Shaykh al-Hasany Yusri Gabr, sheikh Jamal Al-Faruk Hasany, sheikh Usama Sayyid, Amru Wirdany sheikh, sheikh Muhammad Syalaby, Uthman Uwaidhah sheikh, sheikh Ali Umar, sheikh Mustafa Abu Zayd, Shaykh Muhammad Wisam, Mahmud Ahmad Sharif sheikh, sheikh Ahmad Hajin, Isham Shaykh Anas, Shaykh Hisham Kamil, Shaykh Mukhtar Mohsen, and much more.
In fact, often I hear in the course of post-graduate, sheikh Ahmad Ma'bid praise sheikh Ahmad Tayyeb (Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar) and sheikh Ali Jumah. And for me personally, praise sheikh Ahmad Ma'bid alone is more than enough to answer these slanders spread in recent years.
May we all get the blessing sciences and he can practice and present. And hopefully shaikh Ali Jumah and all our teachers are always awarded health and blessing for all the labors they educate us all. Allahumma amen

Indonesian Hostel in Egypt

 Indonesian Hostel For Student at Egypt  was ready for occupancy

Thank to the people of Indonesia

Korupsi di Indonesia

Ramadhan, Al-Qur’an dan Korupsi
Nur Hidayat  M. Ilyas,Lc *

Ramadhan merupakan bulan penuh berkah yang sangat dirindukan oleh setiap orang. Bagi mereka yang rindu akan ketenangan dan lipatganda pahala dalam beribadah, bulan ini adalah waktu yang sangat tepat untuk berlomba dalam kebaikan. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Barangsiapa yang berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan dalam keadan beriman dan hanya mengharap pahala Allah SWT maka di ampuni dosa yang telah lalu” (HR Bukhori).. Para ulama terdahulu senantiasa berlomba-lomba dalam beribadah di bulan suci ini. Imam Syafi’i RA misalnya, yang selama bulan Ramadhan rutin mengkhatamkan al-Qur’an sebanyak dua kali dalam sehari.

Ramadhan juga menjadi bulan yang dinantikan oleh para pedagang. Bagi mereka, bulan ini adalah waktu yang sangat tepat untuk mengeruk keuntungan yang sangat besar. Sebab, daya konsumsi umat Islam lebih besar dari hari-hari lainnya. Harga bahan pokok juga mulai merangkak naik menjelang bulan Ramadhan.

Bahkan bagi para birokrat pun, Ramadhan adalah bulan yang istimewa. Sebab, inilah saat yang tepat untuk membagi THR, sehingga—menurut mereka—dapat lebih khusuk dalam beribadah, serta tidak banyak memikirkan perkara duniawi dalam menyambut Hari Raya. Atau barangkali karena suatu alasan lain yang tak berujung, dan hanya ingin menghabiskan sisa anggaran.

Ramadhan juga merupakan bulan untuk menjauhi syahwat dengan cara berpuasa untuk mencapai derajat ketaqwaan, sebagaimana firman Allah SWT, “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Diwajibkan  atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa.” (al-Baqarah 183).

Para ulama membagi puasa kedalaman tiga tingkatan. Pertama, shaum al-‘awwâm (puasa biasa), yaitu puasa dengan mencegah syahwat perut dan alat vital terhadap perkara yang membatalkan puasa. Tingkatan inilah yang biasanya dilakukan oleh masyarakat biasa. Kedua, shaum al-Khusûs (puasa istimewa), yaitu berpuasa dengan mencegah semua anggota tubuh dari perkara yang dilarang oleh Allah SWT. Puasa tingkat kedua ini biasanya dilakukan oleh para Ulama yang sangat ikhlas. Ketiga, adalah shaum khusûs al-khusûs(puasa sangat istimewa), yaitu puasa dengan mencegah hati untuk mengingat selain Allah SWT. Inilah tingkatan puasa tertinggi, tidak ada yang mampu melaksanakannya kecuali para Nabi.

Oleh karena tingginya kemuliaan bulan ini, Allah SWT pun menurunkan kitab suci al-Qur’an pada di bulan suci ini, sebagaimana termaktub dalam al-Qur’an yang artinya, “Bulan Ramadhan yang didalamnya diturunkan al-Qur’an, sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeda (antara yang benar dan yang batil).” (al-Baqarah 185). Kemuliaan al-Qur’an pun menambah kemuliaan bulan suci Ramadhan, karena al-Qur’an merupakan mukjizat Nabi Muhammad SAW yang dijaga oleh Allah SWT.

Bagi seseorang, al-Qur’an bisa membawanya menjadi mulia atau hina. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesungguhnya Allah SWT mengangkat derajat kaum dengan al-Qur’an dan merendahkan dengannya terhadap kaum yang lain.” (HR Muslim). Hadits ini menerangkan bahwa al-Qur’an akan mengangkat derajat seseorang yang mengamalkan dan menjaganya. Sebaliknya, al-Qur’an akan merendahkan derajat orang yang menjauhi dan meremehkannya.

Oleh karenanya, menjadi sebuah kebanggan bagi sebuah negara ketika turut berparsipasi dalam menjaga al-Qur’an. Ada sebuah ungkapan yang cukup terkenal, yaitu “Al-Qur’an diturunkan di Hijaz (sekarang Saudi Arabia), dibaca di Mesir dan ditulis di Turki”. Kiranya ungkapan diatas tidak berlebihan, karena negara-negara yang tersebut memang benar-benar telah berpartisipasi dalam penyebaran al-Qur’an. Saudi Arabia, yang merupakan tempat diturunkannya al-Qur’an kini memiliki percetakan al-Qur’an terbesar di dunia, yaitu King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy al-Qur’an yang dibuka sejak akhir tahun 1984. Percetakan tersebut membagikan al-Qur’an secara gratis kepada setiap pemohon dari berbagai negara.

Begitupula dengan Mesir, negeri yang ikut andil dalam kaderisasi penghafal dan sarjana ahli al-Qur’an. Setidaknya, separuh dari penduduk Mesir  yang berkisar 85 juta jiwa telah hafal al-Qur’an. Menjadi hal yang lumrah jika seorang anak dibawah 8 tahun sudah hafal al-Qur’an, sebab begitu banyak guru-guru mengaji mendirikan kuttab (tempat belajar, menulis dan menghafal alqur’an). Meskipun kuttab sendiri bukanlah sebuah institusi pendidikan resmi di Mesir, namun pemerintah tetap mendukung penuh dengan menggaji tenaga pengajar dan memberi suntikan dana untuk kelancaran sistem pendidikan tersebut.

Sedangkan Turki, semenjak dinasti Ottaman telah menggalakkan penulisan al-Qur’an dengan berbagai model khat arab. Ada banyak sekali penulis al-Qur’an berasal dari negeri ini. Sebut saja, semisal Syekh Hamid Aitas al-Amidy (1891-1982 M) yang mempunyai murid dari berbagai negara.

Adapun di Indonesia, al-Qur’an mulai dihafal sejak alumni Mekkah banyak yang kembali ke Tanah Air. Diantara mereka yang terkenal dalam penyebaran al-Qur’an  adalah KH. Sa’id di Gedongan, Cirebon; KH. R Asnawi di Kudus; KH. M. Munawwir di Krapyak, Yogyakarta; KH. Hasyim Asy’ari di Jombang; dan KH. Dimyati di Tremas, Pacitan. Kesemuanya belajar al-Qur’an kepada Syekh Yusuf al-Dimyati, seorang ulama Madinah yang berasal dari Mesir, yang mempunyai silsilah al-Qur’an sampai ke Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Selain para ulama, Pemerintah Indonesia juga turut andil di penyebaran al-Qur’an di Tanah Air. Melalui Kementerian Agama RI, pemerintah setiap dua atau tiga tahun sekali menyelenggarakan Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) Nasional. Ajang yang pertama kali digelar pada 1968 tersebut pada tahun ini digelar di kota Ambon, dengan total biaya sebesar 165 milyar rupiah. Sebuah nominal yang tidak kecil tentunya. Menurut pengakuan Menteri Agama, Drs.Suryadharma Ali,MSi., anggaran yang diambil dari APBN dan APBD tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk perbaikan fasilitas umum.

Selain hal diatas, peran Pemerintah dalam penyebarluasan al-Qur’an juga terewujud dalam agenda pencetakan al-Qur’an di setiap tahun. Jumlah anggarannya pun cukup fantastis. Pada tahun tahun 2009, pemerintah mengeluarkan 2,5 milyar rupiah dengan mencetak sebanyak 78.079 buah al-Qur’an. Pada tahun 2010, pemerintah mengcururkan dana sebesar 3,2 milyar untuk 170.250 buah al-Qur’an. Kemudian, pada tahun 2011, dana yang dikuluarkan mencapai 25 milyar dan dikucurkan dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama sebesar 4 milyar untuk pengadaan 225.045 buah al-Qur’an dan tahap kedua dikucurkan 20,5 milyar untuk pengadaan 653.000 buah al-Qur’an. Dan pada tahun 2012 ini, anggaran pengadaan al-Qur’an naik begitu tajam hingga mencapai 110 milyar rupiah untuk  2 juta eksemplar al qur’an.

Sayangnya, proyek agung ini ternodai oleh tangan-tangan culas yang tak bertanggung jawab. Wajar jika kemudian proyek ini sarat dengan korupsi. Dalam hitungan sederhana, anggaran satu al-Qur’an yang dicetak pemerintah adalah sebesar 55.000 rupiah. Padahal, harga al-Qur’an di pasaran hanya berkisar antara 25.000 sampai 35.000 rupiah. Harga al-Qur’an cetakan kertas terbaik di Timur Tengah pun harganya hanya sekitar 45.000 rupiah. Mungkin ini sebuah hitungan kasar yang tidak bisa dijadikan landasan mark up dalam proyek ini, tapi mengapa KPK menetapkan tersangka dalam pengadaan tersebut?

Yang lebih menyedihkan, adalah karena jatah 500 eksemplar yang diberikan oleh Kemenag kepada anggota komisi VIII DPR RI. Jatah tersebut, untuk selanjutnya dibagikan kepada dapil mereka masing-masing. Mereka beranggapan bahwa hal tersbut bukanlah sebuah korupsi. Padahal, al-Qur’an tersebut dijadikan sebagai alat menarik simpati masyarakat di dapil masing-masing. Alangkah baiknya bila untuk selanjutnya, pengadaan al-Qur’an dilakukan secara lebih transparan dan diawasi langsung oleh publik.

Tentu setiap umat beragama pasti sangat marah jika kitab suci yang mereka angugkan dijadikan proyek untuk dikorupsi. Sudah saatnya bagi pemerintah untuk berlaku tegas, menghukum para koruptor dengan vonis yang sangat berat dan bahkan membuat para koruptor jatuh miskin. Sebab, korupsi di negeri ini kini sudah mulai memasuki ranah kitab suci. Jika tidak, maka bisa jadi suatu saat nanti bakal ada ungkapan “Al-Qur’an diturunkan di Hijaz, dibaca di Mesir, ditulis di Turki dan dikorupsi di Indonesia”. Ungkapan yang sangat menyakitkan, bukan???[]

*Mahasiswa Jurusan Tafsir dan Ilmu-Ilmu Al-Quran, Universitas Al-Azhar Kairo,Mesir

 tulisan ini pernah di terbitkan di radar banyuwangi ( jawa pos group )


            Mesir, Lebanon, Maroko, Sudan, Turki, Tunisia, Dan Malaysia
A. Mukaddimah Rehlata Education Consulting
Rehlata Education Consulting merupakan salah satu Konsultan Pendidikan resmi yang berdiri pada tanggal 16 Mei 2014, sebagai Konsultan Pendidikan dan Penyelenggara Pendidikan Islam dan Timur Tengah, yang dikelola oleh para alumni Timur Tengah yang berpengalaman dan terpercaya. Membantu memberikan informasi pilihan studi, pembinaan dan pelatihan, persiapan mengikuti seleksi, pengurusan pendaftaran dan proses pemberkasan, proses pengurusan visa, proses keberangkatan hingga penyediaan tempat tinggal yang layak di Negara tujuan.
B. Keutamaan Belajar di Pusat Peradaban Islam
1. Mempelajari keilmuan-keilmuan Islam langsung dari sumbernya
2. Merasakan pengalaman belajar dengan budaya, bahasa, adat istiadat dan lingkungan sosial yang berbeda
3. Dapat mentransformasikan keilmuan Islam yang didapat kepada masyarakat, dengan menyesuaikan kondisi lingkungan dan sosial
4. Dengan biaya perkuliahan yang relatif sama bahkan lebih murah, mendapatkan ilmu dan pengalaman yang berbeda
5. Peluang mendapatkan beasiswa yang besar
6. Terdapat banyak pilihan fakultas
7. Dapat mengikuti Program dan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler berupa : Setoran, talaqqi, tahsin, tahfidz langsung dari masyayikh
C. Biaya (Pendidikan & Living Cost)
Negara Universitas Biaya Kuliah Per Tahun* *Biaya Hidup PerBulan
al-Azhar University (S1) Free* 100 – 150
100 – 150
al-Azhar University (S2) 150 – 200
Arab League Univ (S2) 1500
Universitas Zamalik (S2) 1200
Cairo University (S1) 2000 (non-Kedokteran)
Cairo University (S2) 3000 (non-Kedokteran)
Beirut Islamic University
Jinan University
Tripoli University
Ma’had Da’wah al-Jami’I S1 : 500
S2 : 2500 200 – 300
Ibnu Thufail Univ.
Moh. al-Khamis Univ.
Moh. Ibn Abdillah Univ.
Al-Qarawiyyin University
Dar Al-Hadits University Free* 150 – 200
Afrika Internasional University Sudan
Khartoum University
Oumdurman Univeristy
Nilain University S1 : 500
S2 : 2500
S3 : 4000
Free* 100 – 150
Istanbul University
Marmara University
Konya University
Ankara University
Fetih Sultan Mehmet Unv. S1 : ±1500
S2 : ± 3000
S3 : ± 4500
Free* 400 – 500
Az-Zaytouna University Free*    100 – 150
Islamic International Unv.
Univ. Teknologi Malaysia
Universiti Malaya
S1 : 500  S2 : 1200 S3 : 2000 150 – 200
*Perkiraan biaya dalam USD (Dolar Amerika)
*Terdapat beasiswa dari Pemerintah
D. Mengapa Rehlata?
1. Memiliki Izin Resmi sebagai konsultan dan penyelenggara pendidikan di Luar Negeri
2. Dikelola oleh para alumni Timur Tengah yang berpengalaman
3. Membantu calon mahasiswa dari berbagai penjuru Indonesia
4. Mewakili berbagai Institusi Pendidikan dari Mesir, Lebanon, Maroko, Sudan, Turki, Tunisia, dan Malaysia
5. Mempunyai cabang dan perwakilan di seluruh Indonesia
6. Pilihan luas berbagai jurusan di bidang agama, sosial, sains, teknologi dan lain-lain
7. Biaya terjangkau
9 langkah Mudah Mengurus Kuliah di Luar Negeri bersama Rehlata :
1. Konsultasi Gratis
Membantu anda menentukan jurusan, universitas, Negara dan kota yang dituju, sesuai dengan keinginan dan kemampuan.
2. Pilih dan daftar Kuliah
Membantu menyiapkan berkas sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah ditentukan, untuk mendaftarkan diri anda sesuai dengan tujuan
3. Pembinaan dan pelatihan Intensif
Pembinaan dan pelatihan intensif sebelum mengikuti proses seleksi, atau proses belajar di Institusi pilihan anda
4. Tes seleksi
Mengikuti Tes seleksi bagi Institusi tertentu yang memberlakukan diadakan seleksi di Indonesia, misalnya : Mesir, Sudan dan Maroko.
5. Penyerahan berkas dan pembayaran
Calon mahasiswa menyerahkan seluruh persyaratan, dan pembayaran pendaftaran masuk ke Institusi kepada Rehlata, berikut untuk keperluan visa, tiket, penjemputan, sewa rumah di Negara tujuan, serta proses lanjutan pendaftaran
6. Visa Pelajar
Kami membantu pengurusan visa, setelah seluruh berkas telah diterima oleh Institusi, atau telah dinyatakan lulus dari seleksi jika diadakan seleksi
7. Pra-Keberangkatan
Sebelum berangkat, anda akan dibekali dengan informasi pra-keberangkatan, mengenai hal-hal yang harus dilakukan sesampainya di Negara tujuan
8. Tiket, penjemputan dan akomodasi
Kami membantu pemesanan tiket, penjemputan di Negara tujuan, dan penyediaan tempat tinggal yang layak.
9. Layanan lanjutan
Kami memberikan layanan lanjutan proses pendaftaran di Institusi tujuan, informasi terkait program pendidikan sesuai dengan pilihan, perpanjangan masa izin tinggal, dan masalah lainnya setelah sampai di tempat tujuan.
“Dibimbing oleh Rehlata yang saya rasakan sangat luar biasa. Ada bimbel sebelum tes dengan materi yang tepat, dibantu pengurusan administrasi sampai tuntas, sampai diantar ke Mesir lagi, sampai di Mesir masih dibimbing. Pokoknya ga salah deh pilih Rehlata sebagai Education Consulting, Kuliah di al-Azhar”. (Ilma Illiyyin, Mahasiswi Universitas al-Azhar, asal Balikpapan)
“Jika al-Azhar mengajarkan saya tentang sikap toleransi, maka IIUM mengajarkan saya pentingnya Islamization of Knowledge, bukan mengislamkan ilmu yang sebelumnya musyrik, tapi memberikan nilai-nilai Islam dalam ilmu yang sudah ada. Dengan pengalaman Rehlata yang telah sukses memberangkatkan mahasiswa ke Mesir, maka saya percaya kesuksesan itu tidak akan berhenti sampai disitu saja. Dan Alhamdulillah saya berkesempatan mendampingi Rehlata melakukan pertemuan dengan pihak Rektorat IIUM untuk menjalin kerjasama dalam hal proses pendaftaran calon mahasiswa ke IIUM.” (Khodijah Nur Tsalis, Lc., Mahasiswi Pasca Sarjana asal Samarinda, pada Islamic International University Malaysia)
Hubungi Kami di :
PT Rehlata Permata Insani : Jl. WR. Supratman No. 07, Kampung Utan, Ciputat Tangerang Selatan, 021-7419004
Email : nhcairo@gmail.com
Cabang Situbondo dan Jawa Timur :
Ustadz Nur Hidayat, Lc. : Jl. Sucipto RT. 04/04 Dawuhan Parse Situbondo Jawa Timur. 081231567789 pin BBM: 7514E143