
Sisters Farouk I Princesses Fawzia and Faizah and Faiqah with Marpetan Bratanitin at the Palais Royal gardens park Beach Park in Alexandria.
(For lovers of Palace park's area specifically in the Gulf of the park with a shallow water area in front of tea in a tea stall Island area the park and see the background image cellars (cellar collection) leading to the lighthouse park as we see the famous Palace sumptuous palace park)
May 6
Today, who returned in King Farouk from London to succeed his father on the throne of Egypt in the presence of Council of trusteeship in 1936
And despite the fact that King Farouk assumed his constitutional powers after reaching 18 years of AH in the July 27, 1937, but the official royal gala sit in the May 6 of each year
In 1951 and in the Royal sit fifteenth festival was Royal Wedding on the last queen of Egypt "Nariman"
Queen of Egypt and had been married between them and King Farouk in like this sixth day of May in 1951, and has given birth to the king, Crown Prince Ahmed Fouad II ..
I was born Nariman Sadek in Cairo on 10/31/1933, and her father is Hussein Fahmy honest and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transportation, a son of your honest dignitaries Egypt at the time, and last position he held before his death is the secretary-general of the Ministry of Transportation, Lama and her mother are An authentic Hanim daughter Kamel Mahmoud elders of the province of Minya.
Nariman is the only daughter of parents sustenance after a period of marriage, did not beget her parents elsewhere, and that is probably the reason why her father is afraid it hard, causing him to inflict Egyptian school was adjacent to the villa, which she was staying in, rather than inflict school of language schools far from their residence.
Graphics Alengahzalkadimh Islamic monuments in Cairo and other governorates
Graphics and projections of registration Islamic monuments Center
Description Qaitbay mosque kindergarten Manial
Established by Sultan al-Ashraf Abu Al-Nasr Qaitbay between the years 886-896 AH (1481-1490 AD). Inclusive designed layout on the school planning pattern which consists of a Middle Exposed dish surrounded by four iwans largest Ewan direction which is the eastern Iwan. Ewan leads the direction of the stone niche.
There the main door eastern facade has written on both sides and the name Qaitbay Alqaah .. and the door stones yellow and white building topped by a three-way Mdaina, and the minaret of the mosque rises to the left of the door, a stone built and consist of three sessions.
And the first to build this mosque in its current location is Mohammed bin Fadlallah judge Fakhruddin Balfajr- headmaster Aljeic- deceased in 732 AH (1332 AD) in the days of the Sultanate of al-Nasir Muhammad third. The new e-Sahib Shams al-Din Abdullah Mosque Tempered Tempered knew, then stopped and damage worship in it. In the year 886 AH (1481 AD) is the Sultan Qaitbay pyramid mosque and rebuilt again and increased in the area and set up around the gardens and buildings. In the year 1216 (1801) burned down the mosque because of Anfjaz store of gunpowder was next to him, and brought the fire most of its old wooden elements ..
Therefore this mosque is less mosques built by Qaitbaha decorated with 1. Whole object Street Mosque Qaitbay kindergarten, and followed. The effects of ancient Egypt area 2 3

Neighboring name given to Al-Azhar mosque dropouts inside of science and the collection of lesson students were named to the proximity of the islands Bamajaoren each other to stay inside the mosque forthcoming. The story begins neighboring Ramadan in 378 AH, 988 m, while the minister Abu Faraj Jacob Ben Coles sat caliph al-Aziz, the Fatimid God in the courtyard of the mosque of Al-Azhar and read a book known as "Waziriya message" including Shiite Asirareddauh the Ismaili sect doctrine of the Fatimids on thirty-seven students and established them housing next to Al-Azhar and arranged for them Arzaca and monthly rations and that was the beginning of a semester system lasted a thousand years of the life of Al-Azhar to our times. As the Ayyubid state deliberately Saladin to the Champions Fatimid state and still all the implications of sectarian arose to establish schools on the basis of specialization in doctrine, such as school Nasiriyah next to Amr ibn al-Aas mosque to teach Shafi'i jurisprudence and beside triticeous school to teach Maliki fiqh then successively set up schools at the hands of the sultans and princes, but The Al-Azhar under habitat religious culture, despite the fall of the Fatimid state and the Pope intended for students of all doctrine of the Egyptians and strangers brought together by Islam and the Association of School student arises where a kid goes out world. The study was done in the form of workshops held was a professor reads studied in an episode of his disciples and then discuss it with them mean and named his throat because they were around a sheikh. Has traditionally been - as it appears in the picture - a lot of people overnight in Al-Azhar mosque of them intended Bimbith pond and some of them of harboring him and Egged important than resting Bimbith there, especially in the month of Ramadan place. When he took over the Prince Sdob eyebrow glasses Al-Azhar mosque in the reign of Sultan Faraj bin plum including claims that people who go to bed Mosque and doing the evils ordered taking out the neighbors of the mosque and prevent them from residence and directed McCann them from the boxes and cabinets and chairs the Koran and took their mattresses and turbans Vstt respondents in villages and rural areas and became the yoke need after they loved ones Musonin In Raghad live Atnamon. The visited travelers Syrian Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi Al-Azhar mosque in 1105 AH wrote the truth and metaphor (we entered the Al-Azhar mosque frequented Basalh, scientists and read the Koran and the lessons of science day and night and asked us to work for them a lesson in Al-Azhar Mosque We erosion students so Vaatdhirna them PANA traveling to the land of Hijaz have we embarked all neighboring accept our hand and ask us to pray Vokhztna prestige of course we turned into we cry and they cry and call on them until we got out of the mosque has been pointed us before so that the neighbors will not take Tthagalhm to the predominance of intensity and Alajafa them). And to the left of the interior of the Al-Azhar Mosque from the main door known door Almazinin panel of marble and back to the reign of Sultan al-Zahir Abu Said plum in 792 AH and states that it died of Mgeory Azhar and has no heir illegal and leave the present-that wealth - then his property devolves to his colleagues from the neighboring Al-Azhar

Koran Ottoman is Koran famous attributed to the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan bought judge Fadil Abdul Rahim bin on Alpisany Minister Nasser Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub six and thirty thousand dinars and deposited known Balfadilah which built next to his home in 580 AH in the path of his school Molokhia now known Darb Agazzazan behind the scene of Imam Hussein, may God bless him .kan to judge Mr. grams writing and the collection of books and was acquired books of all art and Ajtalpha every side has a scribe to Ivcron and Cildon to Aabtalon and was part of the school Holdings Fadiliyah Koran ever Othman bin Affan may God bless him It is one of the Koran's six copied in his own time and sent four of them to the regions and two of them remained in the city. And the Koran written on the patches of suede and the number of his papers in 1087 and paper and weigh up to 80 kilograms and was told - and the speaker is on Mubarak in the plans of compromise - it was he who was in front of him to kill and it blood .oaad this Mushaf of the rarest and oldest Korans at the level of the whole world. great historian visited the Al-Maqrizi died in 845 AH Fadiliyah school wrote in the plans say (and school Fadiliyah now - time Makrizy 9th century AH 15 m- Koran Quran large very much written the first line, who knows Balkovy people it calls the Koran Othman bin Affan, which in the closet Single him next to the mihrab from Western and the solemnity and majesty. and boasts historical sources mention the Koran Ottoman alliance upon closer covenants in front of him, little Sakhawy in gold dust cast in the tail behavior incidents of the first month of May in 854 AH (and it is Sheikh Mahaoy go to Fadiliyah school Darb Molokhia to administer the oath on the Koran attributed to Mr. Othman bin Affan may Allah be pleased with him) and little son Ayas in Badaa'i flowers in the Proceedings of the ages from accidents month of Rajab 903 AH (and the feared Khould Aslbay Um al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Sultan Qaitbay on her son from his uncle Qansouh Vahdhart Koran Ottoman to her hands and swore by her brother Qansouh and her son, Nasser Mohammed fulfillment of all of them to the owner). In the year 909 AH Sultan Ghouri job portfolio Ottoman Koran gilded wooden and it says Mubarak in the plans of compromise (and new sultan Ghury Koran Ottoman which Egypt unguarded Hussein sight line fortitude After all skin Defensive him to the damage and scratch and Mkth into Mr. Osman to this day, and is the work of the holy skin finite in his work to gain wage and reward, and works his protection of carved wood with gold and silver and the types of improvement) and the development of the Sultan Ghouri herring - no motto -aly clipboard and the date of completion of the work in 909 AH. In 910 AH Sultan Ghouri transfer Koran Ottoman from Fadiliyah school to the dome Balgoria after the completion of the building hoping to bury them when comes term inevitable and honor the dome deposited Ghury Koran Ottoman in the closet to the left of the mihrab and at her side another wardrobe includes effects of the Prophet Muhammad, which was deposited the bond of Archaeology area following a prophet in ancient Egypt, and that little son of Ayas in Badaa'i flowers incidents of the first month of May in 910 AH (and the transfer of Sultan Ghouri effects Prophet Muhammad from his place, which was by overlooking the Sea of ​​the Nile and the Koran Ottoman to the tomb dome was a memorable day and went down before him The four judges and a group of princes and the poor and employers angles flags as they remember) did not generate imagined Ghury that slave scheming, and the Lord is estimated - and talk to Evliya Çelebi in Saahtnamh Egypt - as the killing Ghouri in the Battle of Marj Dabiq north of Aleppo in 1516 and have not found his body after the battle to become the dome Then the angle of prayer. Under the Koran Ottoman monuments Prophet Muhammad dome Ghury even moved them in 1275 AH 1859 to the mosque Ranger Battalion and then transferred them in full procession to the luggage locker castle. In the year 1304 H1887 m were transferred to the Office of Religious Endowments in the year 1305 AH 1888 were taken to Abdeen Palace headquarters of the Khedive In the same year the station Alokhirhaly Al Husseini Mosque in procession majestic included thirty thousand people gathered from the public about two hundred thousand the same. In the year 1311 AH 1893 established Khedive Abbas Hilmi II a private room for the remnants of the Prophet Muhammad and the Koran Ottoman and make her Baban door leading to the courtyard of the mosque and the door Alokhrmen the shrine of Imam Hussein, may God bless him .oualemsahv Ottoman now subject to the restoration of the Central Library of the Islamic manuscripts next to the Sayeda Zeinab mosque since February 2006

Image to a huge Persian override the main entrance of the group Salehia schools Street Muizz - track number 38 of the year 641 AH 1243-fill within the ranks of Rattles strikethrough hold another smaller framed decoration vegetable inside the text of the establishment of the school (the name of God the Merciful ordered the establishment of this school blessed Maulana Sultan greatest good King Necmettin Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Ayyub in the year one hundred and forty)